Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I should get an A

A new semester started yesterday. I always love the beginning of each set of classes (fresh start and all that) but this one is super exciting because I am done with generals and now I get to move on to classes for my major. I feel like a real live grown up with a life plan... or something like that.

Anyhow one of my classes is Personal Finance and I just had to laugh when I saw the syllabus. The course objectives are as follows (direct copy and paste):

1. The student will demonstrate management of their personal finances including budgeting, bank services, insurance, home ownership, investments, and retirement planning. Each student’s management style will embody elements of uniqueness of problem solving strategies and goal selection.

2. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of personal financial planning in their personal and family lives. Students will show evidence that their financial decisions will impact both their family and society.

3. The student will demonstrate awareness of the financial services markets and recognize the connections relative to access to financial services, credit score, interest rates, income and individual financial opportunity.

4. Students will be aware of critical personal financial literature including classic and contemporary thought.

Budgeting, I've got that. 

Problem solving strategies, have you seen my life?! 

Personal financial planning in family lives, hah, in my sleep. 

Interest rates, you want to talk interest, let's talk about student loan interest. 

Critical personal financial literature? You should see my nightstand.

I'll give you a full report at the end of the semester but based on the course objectives I'd better get an A in this class because people, I am LIVING this class!

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