Friday, June 26, 2015

Jason and Sara's Debt free journey!!

by Greg

Great story about a couple working together to achieve a goal. Interesting that he lost his job and that is how they got started and on the same page. We had that same issue in our family it took me losing my job to make us realize that we were in trouble. It takes a team to get through paying off the debts that you have. Kristen and I really do work together on the budget. we talk about it and have to come to a majority vote to proceed in the plan. What is more important each of us has a vote and say in the budget. it is exciting to see what happened when this couple got on the same page. They really took off on paying down their debt when they did that. It only took them 7 months to nail it just awesome!

I encourage you to take Financial Peace University it is an amazing class and you will learn a ton about finances and how to get out of debt.  

One other part to this is that these people found God. They were "Saved" during their journey of debt freedom. With the lord on your side these struggles become a lot easier. Our heavenly father is just waiting to help us when we need it. He is ready to jump into action and help you along. Remember to involve him in your day to day life you will be amazed at what can happen! He is crazy about you and loves you!

Here is more about their story. Can't wait to show you ours when we are debt free!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Enough is enough, I'm doing it.

I've gone back and forth. I've heard the great reviews and I've seen the amazing changes. I'm usually pretty resistant to change, even if that change might make me feel better.

But I think I've reached my breaking point. I mean, it's not normal to wake up after 8 hours of sleep and be exhausted. Not everyone has to take a nap every afternoon just to function. Or if you don't get your nap, you're worthless by 6 o'clock. Is that just me?

So what's the plan? Whole 30. You know where you eat lots of protein, fruits and veggies? You do it for 30 days and then begin to discover how food really makes you feel. I usually scoff at anything structured or regimented but I'm hoping this will be the thing that helps me figure out why I'm so tired.

I was talking to two friends who have done several cycles of Whole 30 and they couldn't say enough good things. It was actually a little shocking. When I asked them what they thought, I was expecting something along the lines of it's okay or that it's a lot of work but no, they were raving about how great they felt and the things that changed even after the cycle was over.

They told me about having more energy and feeling healthier. They've both lost a decent chunk of weight. That's not my main focus but I wouldn't turn it down!

I'm convinced. I spent last week reading the book "Whole 30" and preparing. I made my menu for the next week and I'm actually pretty excited. The food looks good and seems like it's not that far of a departure from what we're usually eating.

Today, Monday June 22, is Day 1. I'm telling you this so that you can keep me on track.

Oh but there is one question I have for you. What do I do about Cookie Day? The kids look forward to it every Friday. It's our thing, every Friday we make and eat cookies. I could probably still make the treats just for them but do I want to? Do I want to do that to myself? My willpower isn't made of steel! Ya know what I mean?!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Friday!! Mathew and Heidi Debt Free Scream

by Kristen

Sometimes I think Greg and I have a ton of student loans and then I hear stories like this couple. $300 thousand. Ya, I didn't stutter. 300K.

They were/ are making serious cash but the amount of debt they had? That's serious too. So many times there are people that think that a student loan debt that large should be treated like a mortgage; pay the minimum and you'll get there eventually. Not these two, Matthew and Heidi, they weren't like that. They decided to get out of debt and move on with their life! No messing around for this couple.

So yes, when I look at our income versus our debt, I can see just how far in the hole we are. When I look at these two and their income versus their debt, I realize that they were in the same hole.

But here's the good news; THEY GOT OUT! They didn't mess around. They didn't try to do it differently. They followed a proven plan and it worked.

That sounds good to me.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer Fun: swimming with 5 kids

this was just last year! too little!
by Kristen

I guess that title kinda sounds like a paradox... okay, sometimes it's not fun but most of the time the pool is our favorite summer spot.

But I'm outnumbered. Big time. So here's how we make it work (usually).


  • get everyone ready at home; swimsuits, sunscreen. You can do all of that before you leave. I also wait until we get home to have everyone change out of their suits. Well except for Maggie, she gets changed at the pool because those swim diapers are super absorbent. I think she gains 10 pounds every time she swims, no small thing since she just barely topped 20!
  • bring a snack, but just a small one. I'm talking a package of graham crackers or a bag of grapes. Oh, and don't forget water (I bring a jug and small plastic cups, it's easier than water bottles for everyone). You could bring money to buy treats at the concession stand but I'm too cheap for that!
  • stay halfway packed. I have a bag that always stays loaded with sunscreen, earplugs, goggles, swim pass, stuff like that. The towels and blanket get folded up as soon as they're dry and get put in the back of the suburban.
  • make the kids help. Even the littlest carried her towel today. It did take her forever to walk but I'm thinking that's because she's easily distracted. You're not a pack mule, don't act like it.
  • bring tons of toys, one or two is fine, more than that is too much to keep track of 
  • stay too long, you can come back the next day, less is more
  • think about yourself. No one cares what you look like so just enjoy your time being in the water and playing with your kids. That's the kind of mom that looks the best.
  • forget to put on sunscreen. I'm an ace at making sure the kids are covered but I forget about myself. And then the next day I remember. Ouch!
  • count on the lifeguards to watch your kids. That's your job, take it seriously.
  • forget to have fun. Kids grow up way too fast. Pretty soon they won't want to hang out at the pool with Momma so enjoy this busy season.
I love summer. It's nice to slow down and not have a packed agenda. Enjoy whatever it is you do and STAY SAFE!!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Who made you the boss of me?

by Kristen

Why should you listen to me?

Well my kids (especially that cute one pictured above) ask that question and the answer to them is that I'm their mom and that's just the way life works.

Obviously that doesn't work for this space and you readers. You deserve more of an answer than "because I said so". You shouldn't ever follow any of my advice if it doesn't ring true to you.

I don't have degrees in finance (although I'm working on it) and I haven't been trained in child psychology or anything else child related (although, hello, I do live in a lab).

The only qualifications that I have are life experience and granted, I'm only 32 so my life experience isn't really that vast but it's also not non- existent (double negative!). I don't have lots of letters after my name and I don't have an overly dramatic story to tell.

But Greg and I are here in the trenches, we're in the middle of student loan debt and raising 5 kids and keeping a marriage strong. We've learned a few things and we want to share. I learn so much from other people's stories so I thought that by creating this space where Greg and I are real and open and honest, that maybe it will help you.

Of course that does open our life and our choices to criticism. But that's okay with us. Greg and I know that what we're doing is right for OUR life and OUR family. We have felt that this is the right thing for us to do and we'll keep doing it as long as we feel we need.

Don't do something that we suggest if it doesn't feel right and don't share if it's not something that you agree with.

But if it does feel right than we're glad we can help and if you do feel like sharing, thank you.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Debt Free Friday: Ryan and Micha

by Greg

Here is some local (if you live in Utah) flavor. This fun couple lives in Logan where she is a basketball coach at Utah State and he works in the HR department, also at Utah State. Go Aggies!!*

This couple is awesome, they started their marriage by combining their finances and quickly realized that they needed to change. They chose to work on this project together, making sacrifices and staying on focus together.

I love that Ryan said "I believe people are eating their problems". That is so true. It's really easy to go out to eat, overspend at the grocery store and just waste money on food. That's an area that is easy to cut back on and a place where you can see quick gains.

We watch these debt free screams because they inspire us. We're working so hard to get out from under this mountain, that sometimes it feels that we'll never see the end. But then we watch real people doing amazing things and being free. That gives us hope and encourages us to keep going. We're going to make it and we can't wait for the day when you can google "Greg and Kristen debt free scream"! That's going to be awesome!!

*I (Greg) graduated from USU with a masters degree in HR, Kristen will start their Family Life Studies program soon, we've convinced our 8 year old boy that he needs to study their landscape architecture program and we're working on the other kids. Basically we're trying to raise a family of Aggies!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

This Is Water

by Greg

This video is a classic, absolutely makes you think. 

We go through our lives each day and do our routine. We drive the same way to and from work. We sit in the same seats at church and in the lunch room. We eat the same food, watch the same shows and do the same things every weekend. 

We get frustrated if things do not go our way or if our routine is broken. I get frustrated with the ones I love the most. Sometimes I don't think about others and the things they are going through in life. I forget that it's not all about me. It happens to all of us.

I need to step out of my routines and try new things. I need to serve others more. I need to live the golden rule.  I do not know what others are going through, they could have unimaginable struggles. I need to step outside myself and give people the benefit of the doubt.

I am grateful that we have a lifetime to work on our issues, deficiencies and problems. We get to choose how we react to situations. I am grateful we have a Savior that helps make up the difference. I try to follow his example and be more like Jesus Christ, the one perfect example. Sometimes I'm more successful than others but I keep trying. 

I don't need to set lofty goals, I just need to try a little harder to be a little better and it will work out.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wake up!

I was reading my beloved Wall Street Journal today at lunch (leftover scrambled eggs and potato salad, weird but yum) when I saw this heartbreaking poll.

Like I wanted to cry.

Nest- Egg Numbers: how much surveyed workers 55 and older said they have in savings and investments.

Less than $1000        21%
$1,000- $9,999           11%
$10,000-$24,999        11%
$25,000-$49,999         9%
$50,000-$99,999         9%
$100,000-$249,999    14%
$250,000 or more      25%

Guys. This is so sad. We work our whole lives and we look toward retirement as our reward for a lifetime spent caring for and providing for our families. Then to see that 75% of people have less than $250,000? That's just horrible. And while 250K sounds like a lot of money right now, just try living on it for 30 years. It's not going to go far.

This has to stop. Don't think that you're just magically going to be okay when you retire because you're a good person or because you've worked hard. You are those things and more but it doesn't work that way. You have to be smart and you have to be intentional with your money.

Get out of debt.

Stay out of debt.

Have a plan.

And SAVE something! Let interest be your friend, let it work for you for a change. Once you're out of debt start putting just a little bit aside each month. Before you know it, magical compound interest is going to take over and you won't be one of the 21% with less than $1,000 to your name.

Be smart. That's pretty easy, right?

Oh and if you're one of those who is over 55 and aren't where you want to be, don't give up. As long as you're still breathing there's time to change. You are going to have to be extra diligent but I'm certain you can make it.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Book Review: Founding Mothers- the women who raised our nation

I have a problem. If I sit down to read a great novel than I'm trapped until it's over. I can tune out cries for Mom, requests for homework help, probably a fire alarm and the kids might get cereal for dinner if it's a really good book.

Okay, so I'd probably hear the fire alarm but it would take a minute or two to pull myself back to reality. So the way I still get my reading fix is to find interesting non- fiction, something you've probably noticed if you've been reading this blog for any length of time. I can read a chapter or two of a great non- fiction book and then walk away, I don't feel that same compelling urge to finish the story. But the trick is to find one that isn't textbook boring.  

I've found a few gems along the way. Founding Mothers: the women who raised our nation by Cokie Roberts is funny and informative.

Writing about John and Abigail Adam's frequent letters, she says "John's advice when Abigail wrote describing the British preparations for war? If it got really dangerous, 'fly to the woods with our children.'. Thank you very much. She must have wanted to throttle him."

Or did you know that Benedict Arnold, the Revolutionary War traitor was married to a woman that was just as guilty as he was? His wife, Margaret Shippen Arnold used her correspondence to her friends to pass information to the British about the American's plans. Fascinating.

All through the book it's clear that the women played a vital role in the founding of this great nation. They didn't have the right to vote or to fight or even to own their own property but they did incredible things. They gave birth to children in horrific conditions and often buried them, they raised their children that did survive and ran their husband's farms and businesses on their own and they did all of this while a war was being fought right in their cities and towns. 

At the very end of the book George Washington wrote "Nor would I rob the fairer sex of their share in the glory of a revolution so honorable to human nature, for indeed, I think you ladies are in the number of the best patriots America can boast". 

Well said, George, well said.