Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Book Review (sort of): The Hunger Games

Way back, like 10 years ago (or something like that) when the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy came out I read it. I think I read the next 2 also but it really disturbed me. I had a hard time wrapping my brain around children killing children just for the sake of sport. And yes, I understand that there is more to it than that. There is also overcoming oppression and fighting for good even when the outlook is bleak, I get that part. There was just too much violence for my taste, it made me really uncomfortable.

Fast forward to now and my oldest daughter is reading the series. She is 10 and though I am certainly biased, I believe that she is a mature and intelligent young lady who can deal with tough subjects. She spent most of the weekend involved in the first book and then she moved on to the second. She asked a few clarifying questions and we talked, explaining a few things.

She has moved on to the second book and is about halfway through. Last night after I put the kids to bed I was looking for a way to ignore the things I was supposed to be doing (laundry, I'm looking at you) so I picked up Catching Fire. I started to read and I was horrified all over again.

It is violent. I don't think this is something that a 5th grader should be reading, in fact I don't even think it's something that I want to finish reading. I understand good story telling and I have to give Suzanne Collins credit for being a master of the craft. But I still don't think this is a good thing. 

So what do I do? I realize that I am the parent and I do have ultimate say on what happens in my home, that's a given. But what do I do in this situation? Do I stop her from reading the book? Do we set an age limit? Do we read it together? Guys, I'm torn. Help a mom out here and tell me what you would do.

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