Friday, April 24, 2015

Happy Friday!- Cinthya's Debt Free Scream

Every Friday we are going to share stories of ordinary people who have done extraordinary things with their lives and their finances. Most of the videos and stories will come from Dave Ramsey's youtube channel. Every time I watch these they keep me motivated and inspire me to keep going in this journey of life.

This lady is awesome!! When I first saw this it made me teary eyed because of the trials that she went through to get to where she is currently. She is definitely an inspiration to me and helps me to keep the perspective needed to keep going in our financial struggles as well as in life in general.

That is where I want to be in a few years. Watching this woman tell her story helps me have the hope that I need to keep moving forward on this rough journey. I feel that if she can do it with all of the challenges she faced then there is no reason for me to give up.

Wherever you are in your journey through life, whether you've been debt- free forever or you're just getting started, don't give up. Keep moving. When life knocks you down just keep getting back up. That's what matters, as long as you keep moving forward then you're going to be okay.

If you are interested here is more about Cinthya. Her story is incredible and I'm glad she was willing to share.

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