There are people that are much better eaters than I am, they can consistently make healthy choices and it works for them.
But not for me. I have found a place where I feel good, I'm making progress and I'm really happy with where I am right this moment. I'm good with the pancakes.

Greg and I have completely overhauled our finances and we are totally focused on our goals. There isn't any room in our thinking for splurges or unplanned expenses. It's working for us.
But it doesn't work for everyone. I didn't start out working out at this level. I've been building to it for years. We didn't become financial wizards overnight, okay actually we're not wizard level yet, I'm thinking apprentice... but whatever you call us, it has taken time. There have been a lot of times where it felt overwhelming and a little hopeless but we didn't stop looking forward.
I hope that the dedicated eaters among us don't judge me because I make and eat seriously good pancakes. I'm doing what works for me and my situation.
I don't ever want you, my reader friend to think that we're judging you because of your financial decisions. We are all in different places. What matters is that we keep working. Don't give up because you overspent last week. Don't stop trying to get control of your money. This is a process and it takes time.
I'll keep making tiny strides to eating a little better and you keep working on your money.
We'll get there.
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