Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stupid Cliches

I consider myself a pretty calm parent. Usually.

But today (or yesterday by the time you read this)... oh my word. Whining. Complaining. Crying. Everything I hate. And that's just from me, let's not even talk about the kids!

I don't know what it is, probably a combination of things.

The school semester is almost over so I'm pushing to get everything done.

I've had a cold for the last few days, you know the kind where you're not really sick you're more achy and miserable but still able to function? That kind.

The kids are getting restless for summer vacation. I'm trying not to dread summer vacation (I love my kids really, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared this year).

I've completely slacked off on some volunteer positions that I hold, so of course I feel guilty.

Depressing, all of that. Insert pity party here. The point is that I'm not operating at 100% and I think the kids are picking up on that. Actually I don't think, I know they are. You know that stupid saying about momma being happy? Ya, that one. Well as guardian of the hearth my family's happiness is affected by my own happiness.

I hate feeling frustrated and overwhelmed and just stretched. It's not who I want to be.

So what do I do? Suggestions? Thoughts? I'm pretty sure running away isn't an option and neither is outsourcing the care and feeding of my offspring. How do you manage times like this?

And yes, I know it's annoying to end a post with a question but I'm serious, how do you keep your sanity and find the fun in everyday life? Because today I'm totally not feeling it.

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