Thursday, May 28, 2015

Creating Problems

Our internet was down for almost 24 hours. I walked around sort of lost and not sure what to do.

I couldn't post here (I like writing these posts).

I couldn't check my bank account (that makes me nervous).

I couldn't check social media (probably a good thing).

I couldn't work on a project I've been creating (that was the worst of all).

I felt like everything I wanted to do was in some way connected to the www.

Thank goodness school is out for the semester or I'd be in serious trouble.

That's ridiculous of course. I have a mile long list of things I've been wanting to do.

And there's always the house and yard work that I try to ignore.

There's an old rhyme that goes:

Don't you worry little luxury.
Don't you cry.
You'll be a necessity by and by.

Cell phones. The internet. Multiple computers and devices.

All of these things and more were a symbol of wealth and status just a few years ago. Now they're considered essential. I'd be hard pressed to function without them.

I'm not sure what that says about me or about our society. There's probably a deeper meaning hiding in there somewhere but I'm not going to dig it out. At least not today.

Right now I'm going to ask myself if I'm a bit too dependent on some things.

Perhaps it's time to cut the cord, or at least set some limits.

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