Friday, June 5, 2015

Debt Free Friday: Ryan and Micha

by Greg

Here is some local (if you live in Utah) flavor. This fun couple lives in Logan where she is a basketball coach at Utah State and he works in the HR department, also at Utah State. Go Aggies!!*

This couple is awesome, they started their marriage by combining their finances and quickly realized that they needed to change. They chose to work on this project together, making sacrifices and staying on focus together.

I love that Ryan said "I believe people are eating their problems". That is so true. It's really easy to go out to eat, overspend at the grocery store and just waste money on food. That's an area that is easy to cut back on and a place where you can see quick gains.

We watch these debt free screams because they inspire us. We're working so hard to get out from under this mountain, that sometimes it feels that we'll never see the end. But then we watch real people doing amazing things and being free. That gives us hope and encourages us to keep going. We're going to make it and we can't wait for the day when you can google "Greg and Kristen debt free scream"! That's going to be awesome!!

*I (Greg) graduated from USU with a masters degree in HR, Kristen will start their Family Life Studies program soon, we've convinced our 8 year old boy that he needs to study their landscape architecture program and we're working on the other kids. Basically we're trying to raise a family of Aggies!

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