Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wake up!

I was reading my beloved Wall Street Journal today at lunch (leftover scrambled eggs and potato salad, weird but yum) when I saw this heartbreaking poll.

Like I wanted to cry.

Nest- Egg Numbers: how much surveyed workers 55 and older said they have in savings and investments.

Less than $1000        21%
$1,000- $9,999           11%
$10,000-$24,999        11%
$25,000-$49,999         9%
$50,000-$99,999         9%
$100,000-$249,999    14%
$250,000 or more      25%

Guys. This is so sad. We work our whole lives and we look toward retirement as our reward for a lifetime spent caring for and providing for our families. Then to see that 75% of people have less than $250,000? That's just horrible. And while 250K sounds like a lot of money right now, just try living on it for 30 years. It's not going to go far.

This has to stop. Don't think that you're just magically going to be okay when you retire because you're a good person or because you've worked hard. You are those things and more but it doesn't work that way. You have to be smart and you have to be intentional with your money.

Get out of debt.

Stay out of debt.

Have a plan.

And SAVE something! Let interest be your friend, let it work for you for a change. Once you're out of debt start putting just a little bit aside each month. Before you know it, magical compound interest is going to take over and you won't be one of the 21% with less than $1,000 to your name.

Be smart. That's pretty easy, right?

Oh and if you're one of those who is over 55 and aren't where you want to be, don't give up. As long as you're still breathing there's time to change. You are going to have to be extra diligent but I'm certain you can make it.

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