Monday, July 27, 2015
The End
by Kristen
I did it. 30 days. Lots of good food.
It wasn't even that hard. Like I didn't feel like I was going to die because I wasn't eating pancakes (oh my word, I love pancakes).
I did slip up and eat some cookies on Day 26 or 27, I don't remember exactly which one. I do remember how bad I felt the next day. My stomach hurt. I felt like I was moving in slow motion. It was awful. One of the rules of Whole30 is that if you slip up, you should start over. The whole point of the Whole30 is to get all of those things that irritate your body, well, out of your body. That way you can really tell how your body reacts to certain things. I didn't start over but technically I should have. Oh well.
So what did I think?
I loved it! Absolutely loved the whole thing. My stomach stopped hurting after every meal. I didn't wake up feeling sluggish. I had more energy (not as much as I was hoping, but still...). I felt more focused. My clothes were looser. I weighed and measured myself at the end and I'd lost several inches and 7 pounds.
There's a reintroduction period that you're supposed to follow that I didn't. Like at all. In my defense there was a holiday (July 24th is a big deal in Utah), a birthday and a family reunion. My father in law put it best, he said "it's like we've all got IV's hooked up to the pantry and the valve is wide open". Yep. Agreed.
Sadly the IV theory didn't work out so great for me. That stomach pain that I had gotten rid of came back with a vengeance. I had heartburn. I was tired. Apparently there is a reason they recommend slowly easing yourself back into your old foods as you discover what works for you. Binging on cookies and birthday cake maybe isn't the way to go.
Will I do it again, this time following ALL the rules? For sure.
I didn't get the boost in energy I was hoping for but that could be partially due to 5 kids and my alarm clock. But I still felt better. I'll take that.
I've been given an incredible body that does amazing things everyday. I don't always love the way that it looks or the way that I feel but I'm trying to be kinder to myself. Right now that means cooling it on the dessert and feeding myself food that makes me happy. I'm going to try and take really good care of my body because it has to last me at least 70 more years! I'm totally planning on being a centenarian.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Sharing is caring
by Kristen
Me: "Kind of them isn't it?"
Anna: "It would be funny if we rolled all of our windows down and turned up our music really loud, you know, to return the favor."
Me: "You mean the classical music we're listening to right now?"
Nathan: "Everyone would say 'ahh, so peaceful'."
Anna: "Or they would say 'what the heck, what are those people listening to?!"
Yes, it's true, we do listen to classical music in the car. Here's why:
- no questionable lyrics that you have to explain to your kids, that can get awkward
- it takes the backseat fighting down a titch, only a small titch but when you're chauffeur to unreasonable short people you take all you can get
- it makes me feel like a super parent, like maybe someday they'll look back and say that all the hours that their mom made them listen to various composers while they were trapped, was what made them become brilliant doctors and compassionate leaders...
A girl can dream.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Lame, just absolutely lame.
True confession time.
I've never been to the ocean, never even seen it in real life. I've told some of you that fun fact and you always laugh and say how deprived I am.
And you're right. But there's more to the story. Now you get to see just how pathetic I really am.
Twelve years ago (actually a little more if you count dating and all that jazz) Greg and I fell in love and got married. All of our extended family was there on a cold April day in Utah. I think there was even snow. There was definitely wind. And no sunshine. Basically a dream outdoor photography situation. Except not.
Sidetracked. Like I was saying, after the cake and the presents and the congratulations we flew off to Disneyland. I had never been and Greg hadn't been since he was little. It sounded like the perfect honeymoon.
It was. Except for the part where we didn't explore any of the amazing things that Southern California has to offer. Like oh, I don't know, THE BEACH! We didn't go to Hollywood, we didn't see a ball game, we didn't even swim in the hotel pool. Let's not even talk about all of the rides we didn't go on because the lines were too long.
So pathetic.
We went to the park. Wandered around. Ate at IHOP (full body shudder) and that was about it.
We didn't have a rental car so we figured that we were stuck on foot. Never mind that hotels have millions of little pamphlets telling you all about the cool things to do in the area and how to get there.
Our honeymoon wasn't all awful (except for the cold Greg caught somewhere and then shared with his new wife), it was pretty great to be finally married to someone I loved more than anyone. That part was awesome.
I'd like to go back in time and tell my 20 year old self "hey dorkus, explore. Ride a city bus. Have fun while you're here because in a just a few years you're going to have a pack of kids and it will take you 20 minutes just to get everyone in the car and you'll have a lot of fun once you get to where ever it is you're going but it's a lot easier to get around right now while you're dealing with people that have mastered fine motor skills. Oh and one more thing, cut up your credit card. Right now, I'm waiting..."
Friday, July 10, 2015
How to be a Millionaire, talk to one!
by Greg
I have found that if you want to reach a goal find someone who has done that goal and do what they do. for instance if you want to take up running talk to someone who runs marathons. If you want to rock climb find someone who is an expert at rock climbing. I really want to do well with my money and to be a good steward of the funds God has entrusted me with. So that is what this video is about. It is someone who is a millionaire and that is where I want to be. It is delving into what a person does to be a millionaire and how they got there.
What is most interesting is Kenney in this video started with exactly nothing. He even worked for $2.60 for a few years to get his business off the ground. I don't know if I would have the patience to keep that up but he had a dream and he could envision what it looked like down the road. So he worked hard got out of his debts he owed started gaining traction and then started opening other locations and also franchising. That is the power of setting goals and seeing them to fruition.
Another thing I found interesting is when the recession hit he took a 50% pay cut to help with the payroll issues they had. I love how this man is so giving. He helps build his team members and if they are deserving gives them a franchise to run. They also donate to several thousands of dollars to charities in their area. God loveth a cheerful giver and blesses them.
Have a happy Friday!
Monday, July 6, 2015
Halfway there!
It's Day 15 of my Whole 30 and I haven't died.
Which is sort of, but not really surprising because for 15 days I've been eating omelets, roast beef, nuts, mangos, berries, homemade mayonnaise, frozen bananas and my body weight in salads. Plus a bunch of other really good stuff but without any sugar, honey, grains, beans or dairy.
This is the longest I've ever stuck to an eating plan. I've beat my old record by 14 1/2 days. Yes, that is a true statement. Why has this one been so easy?
Well I think it helped that I told all of you guys what I was doing. I didn't want to look like (more of) a loser by failing right away so that kept me going. But really, it hasn't been that hard. Sometimes I'll get a little cranky because I want something off plan, like yesterday when 2 of my friends were talking about waffles and breakfast burritos. I sort of wanted to cry and punch them all at the same time. I took a few deep breaths and was okay.
My family knows what I'm doing and they've been really supportive. Especially my better half. Greg keeps saying that it's not a diet I'm on, it's a reset. I love that. I don't want my kids to think that I'm trying to get skinny, I make sure to always tell them that I'm just trying to figure out how food makes me feel. I think they're understanding what Greg and I are saying.
The first week was pretty brutal. There's a detox period you go through where your body is getting used to going without the sugar and other junk. I think it could have been worse because I'm not a soda or coffee drinker, those would have been hard to quit cold turkey. As it was I alternated between feeling on top of the world and wanting to scream at people for breathing too loud. Pleasant, right? Fortunately I think we're over that hump. People can now breathe around me without fear.
I'm still tired but I have tons of energy. That sounds like it should be an oxymoron but I swear it's true. I'm getting more done, the thought of folding laundry doesn't make me want to cry (at least not out loud), I just feel better.
I'm also getting to that annoying stage where I think everyone should give this a try. Beware if you have a birthday coming up, you might get a copy of the Whole 30 book (only $18 on Amazon (not an ad, just a good deal))!
In summary: Whole 30 might be the best idea I've had all summer. Besides the one where I insist my kids have quiet reading time every afternoon. Translation: 2 hours of quiet.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Giving up but not giving in
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so little! |
In a fit of desperation I opened my Gospel Library app and looked for my conference talk bookmark (I usually listen to a talk or two while I'm getting ready for the day). So I found my bookmark and started listening.
But I guess I should give you some backstory first. Today has just been one of those days. Actually if I'm honest this week has been one for the record books. I've been walking around mildly ticked off at the world and trying not to lose it. There has been a constant battle between tears and yelling, both of which I try to avoid.
I was losing the battle this morning. The last straw was when my sweet little Maggie wanted to help vacuum.
"I help you".
Yes, I know. These days are short and I won't have littles helping for much longer. I am all too aware of that. This time goes fast. Someone wiser than me said "our lives passed away like... a dream". I agree.
But I still wanted to vacuum.
I was desperate for calm so in a moment of Divine inspiration I turned to my app and started listening where I had left off. It was this talk by Boyd K. Packer. About the marriage relationship and families.
I should have added that I was also irked with my patient and kind husband. Why? I don't know. I think he looked at me wrong or something earth shattering like that.
The next talk in line was by Linda Burton, also about marriages and families. And that was when the tears really started to come.
Thunderbolts wouldn't have been more dramatic, I get it!!
These days of raising children are hard. I am constantly on duty. I don't get a break and I don't get sick days.
I am allowed to be overwhelmed sometimes. It's okay to feel that I'm just not enough. And sometimes I think it's even okay to not be thrilled to be around my family (occasionally, not all the time).
Because when this life is over I will know that most of the time I did a really good job and that there were even days when I was above average. I know that even when I don't feel like I'm good enough for this job, that I'm really doing okay. These hard days aren't the sum total of my existence, there just that: days, and usually not even days, most often it's measured in minutes and sometimes hours.
So here's a note to myself for the next time I feel like throwing in the towel and retreating to a cave: hold on. You're going to make it and you're doing a good job. Plus you can't give in, no one else makes cookies like you do, it's your gift!
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