by Greg
Great story about a couple working together to achieve a goal. Interesting that he lost his job and that is how they got started and on the same page. We had that same issue in our family it took me losing my job to make us realize that we were in trouble. It takes a team to get through paying off the debts that you have. Kristen and I really do work together on the budget. we talk about it and have to come to a majority vote to proceed in the plan. What is more important each of us has a vote and say in the budget. it is exciting to see what happened when this couple got on the same page. They really took off on paying down their debt when they did that. It only took them 7 months to nail it just awesome!
I encourage you to take Financial Peace University it is an amazing class and you will learn a ton about finances and how to get out of debt.
One other part to this is that these people found God. They were "Saved" during their journey of debt freedom. With the lord on your side these struggles become a lot easier. Our heavenly father is just waiting to help us when we need it. He is ready to jump into action and help you along. Remember to involve him in your day to day life you will be amazed at what can happen! He is crazy about you and loves you!
Here is more about their story. Can't wait to show you ours when we are debt free!